Monday 23 February 2009

Deciding locations

Before we started filming, Luke and I went out and looked for possible places we could film. We took photo's of the places we found. We then selected the best locations. We want the child to be going away from the busy city towards the more isolated lonely countryside, and thereby creating a sense of seclusion. Below are photo's of the final locations we decided on. The narrow paths give a sense of isolation, and the way most of the photo's carry on into the distance gives a sense of feeling lost. We will also be filming at night to derive suspense.

In the two photo's above the wide panoramic view gives a sense of freedom, however it also denotes that the character does not exactly know where he is going. The open shots of the nature reserve are a contrast between the narrow shots of the city alley ways and underground passages.
As the character moves between the city and the countryside the paths becomes wider and the sense of isolation becomes less.
Above are two examples of how the shot travels of into the distance. The long paths denote a long journey and suggests a tiresome life.
We have planned to film our opening sequence at night. We took this into consideration when selecting our loactions. We wanted dimly lit locations to suggest isolation however the loactions can't be too dark as they won't show up on screen.

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