Monday 9 February 2009

Conventions of a Thriller

There are many typical conventions in a Thriller that help to build suspense. These conventions occur in each of the areas; Camera angles and Movement, Editing, Mise en Scene, and Sound. I aim to use these conventions whilst making the Thriller.

Camera angle and Movement Conventions:

- Quick cuts and camera angle changes
- Pans of dark environments

Editing Conventions:

- Quick fast paced cuts during action scenes
- Use of negative editing to derrive suspense

Mise en Scene Conventions:

- Use of shadow
- Mirrors which shows the antagonist's reflection
- Spiral Staircases
- Dark Lighting
- Costume reflects victim's state. Torn clothes etc.

Sound Conventions:

- Sudden eerie chimes to create suspense
- Eerie echos
- Exaggerated sounds, e.g. loud footsteps

Other Conventions of a Thriller:

- Crime is often the narrative
- There is often a theme of identity
- Protagonist with a flaw which is exploited by the antagonist
- Complex narrative
- Usually many plots within one main narrative
- Sympathy is derrived for the victim

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