Tuesday 17 February 2009

Audience Research

Now that we have several ideas and have each carried out research, we have a much better idea on what we want to do for our opening sequence. Before we start the planning stages we will construct and carry an audience questionnaire, to help us decide which idea to continue with and also to help us to get some idea on what people expect in an opening sequence.

Here is our completed questionnaire.

As you can see the most popular idea is the sequence where a child has run away from home, and for this reason we will continue developing only this idea. We now also have many ideas on what people expect to be achieved in an opening sequence. We will consider all these suggestions when further developing and brainstorming our idea. The main convention we need to include is the creation of suspense. Two actors/actress' will be needed in this opening sequence.

I conducted further audience research to get a broader idea of who watches thrillers. We can then target our audience more effieciently. From conducting internet research I found that an equal number of males watched thriller compared to females. This doesn't conform to steryotypes as you would expect more males to watch thrilers, due to the conventions used. Therefore we will try to appeal to both male and female audience.

I also found that the 35% of the people that watch thrillers are aged 14-24; as shown by this graph. We will therefore aim our thriller at this age range.


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