Sunday 22 March 2009


We have now finished filming our intial filming. In lesson today, we started our editing of clips. We need to make our footage darker in order to make it look like night. We found instructions on how to do this in post-production:

-Drop the exposure 2-4 stops using gain or iris

-Edit the shadow, mids and highlights

-Change white balance from daylight to tungsten

-Add a blue tint


We also started to create our soundtrack. So far the progress made is substainial and I am happy with what we have achieved. We will continue to work outside of lesson time in order to meet our interim deadline of intial take.

Monday 9 March 2009

Filming Schedule

We plan to film on Tuesday night. We previously aimed to film last weekend, however due to the weather and the actor's lack of availability this was not possible. Therefore we aim to film the majority of our draft sequence on tuesday evening. It needs to be relativley dark, so we will meet at 4pm and wait until the light is of substantial quality.

We will film the remaining shots in Wednesday's lesson and then finish up over the weekend ready to start editing in a weeks time (Monday 16th March)

Monday 2 March 2009

Props for Thriller

Our opening sequence only needs a few props; a rucksack, a toy bear, a note and a broken vase or pot. The teady bear will be used to show that the child is young and innocent, it will also show that there is, or was once, love within the family. We will use my younger sister's bear. The rucksack will be left on the bench as the child walks through the nature reserve. This denotes the child wants to leave things behind and become detached from his past. We will use Luke's bag when filming. Below are photo's of our props.

We originally planned on the viewers being able to see the note. However after revisiting the idea we have decided that the audience will only actually see an envelope, or a folder peice of paper. This is because we don't want to give too much away in the opening sequence.

We allready have each prop prepared apart from the broken vase or pot; we found that breaking a vase would be as stated on our risk assessment, dangerous. Instead we have researched into a classic production prop called sugar glass, also known as candy glass. We will produce sugar glass by using a cooking recipe we found on the internet. This is much safer and also suits our small budget.
The instructions for producing our sugar glass is as follows...
Materials :
Old saucepan
Baking thermometer
2 measures of water
1 measure of golden syrup
3 1/2 measures of sugar
A mould for your glass (depending on the shape requirements)
Steps :
Mix the water, golden syrup and sugar together in the saucepan and bring it to a boil on the oven.
Leave it boiling until the mixture is thick, with almost all the water boiled off.
Pour it into whatever mould you're using and let it cool.